"When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part."
Iannis (John Hurt), Captain Corelli's Mandolin
"Living with somebody you love can be lonelier than living entirely alone, if the one you love doesn't love you."
Maggie Pollitt (Elizabeth Taylor), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Deluxe Edition)
"Venti is twenty. Large is large. In fact, tall is large and grande is Spanish for large. Venti is the only one that doesn't mean large. It's also the only one that's Italian. Congratulations, you're stupid in three languages."
Danny (Paul Rudd), Role Models
"One day can change your life. One day can ruin your life. All life is is three or four big days that change everything."
Beverly D'Onofrio (Drew Barrymore), Riding in Cars with Boys (Special Edition)
"We all have to fall in love from time to time... To feed our daughters, and our mothers. And sisters."
Countess Sofia Belinsky (Natasha Richardson), The White Countess
"Now it isn't that I don't like you, Susan, because, after all, in moments of quiet, I'm strangely drawn toward you, but -- well, there haven't been any quiet moments."
Dr. David Huxley (Cary Grant), Bringing Up Baby (Two-Disc Special Edition)